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Spotlight On What Its Like Being A Photographer

Spotlight On What It's Like In Being A Photographer

I have been a photographer  now since   taking photos at the age of 15 therefore my first camera back then was a 35mm,my Dad as it appears to be seen was also a keen photographer and would develop all his own photos by experimenting with various photographic techniques.In 1999 I acquired my first digital camera which was a Kodak DC210 so when you came to taking pictures it was simply point and shoot.

As my photography started to improve I then moved up to a Fuji Finepix 602 which at the time i thought was a brilliant camera until i dropped it, but quickly bought a replacement in the form of a Canon Powershot S3 IS these were known as point and shoot camera’s and slightly more advanced than my Kodak DC210

In having lived in Chelmsford now since 2003 and where it was hoped that both me and my late wife could have built a new life together,my interest in photography isn’t what it used to be like despite the fact it has been with me now since the age of 15. Any way what with previously owning three different camera’s my biggest step was getting to grips with a Canon E0S 20D (DSLR)

Which I have to say was an incredible camera as you had the option of adding on lenses too,plus you could shoot in either JPEG or Raw format,life as they say shouldn’t be moaned at but then again if my photography is as good as it looks. Not being under the Societies any more and of course having to sell my Canon 20D are two regrets I can’t do anything about in the way of getting back what was once there. At least I still have an external hard drive full of photos so can still carry on with creating art from them.
